Friday, February 29, 2008

Technorati Profile

Using the system

So another day has started and I am trying to keep up the hard work. Trying to get everything done is a challange, and working while the children are napping. What do I do once they don't nap anymore.
Do you have the challange? Can I really make money in only a few hours a day. We are using the system and trudging along. I will put forth all the effort I can and give it the "old college try". Everyday is a fresh start and hoping fully as I do this more, I will get better and faster.
To find out more Click Here!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Working Mother

Did you ever feel like you can't do enough?
You stay at home to be a good mother. But the finances become tight, so you try to work. Now you feel like your lacking as a homemaker.
Let me tell you trying to do both can be hard work. Does the small amount of money I make (very part-time) doing accounting really help? Does it save some of my sanity, or does it really make things worse for me? Trying to juggle the kids, work while they are napping or sleeping and keep up with housework.
Is there something better for me out there? What will I do when the kids are in school full time? We are doing something new and I am truly working from home in my spare time and you can too.
To check it out go to:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Post

This is my first attempt at a blog posting. It seems to be working quite well. I am a stay at home mother trying to make a go of it in the online money making world.


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