Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap Meme

This being a holiday weekend, hopefully everyone worked hard and is able to take a little fun time.

Me on the other hand, I'm spending the weekend trying to catch up with my blog. I am participating in the a blog trip and don't want to be lacking in the content category.

I have been very busy this week learning and working. I updated my Secret Restaurant Recipes and if anyone has an opinion, please share your thoughts.

I have started trying to design my own websites with Kompozer. I used to think I knew what I was doing.

This was my week of dealing with problems
1. Problems with my mentor program not answering questions.
2. Problems with an upgrade not fulfilling it's promise (shouldn't I get my money back?)
3. Problems not getting some ebooks I ordered - actually got this one resolved. Thanks

Maybe next week I can get the other two resolved.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend? Maybe.

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