Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Funnel Traffic to Your Site Via Article Directories

Content is one of the main reasons people keep coming back to the Internet. Providing the information they seek can lead readers back to you again and again. If you are a writer, use your skill to promote your website through article directories and if you’re not, you can still hire someone to help you!reading content online

Article directories are places where website owners can go to find useful content in their niche. People simply surfing the web can also find this content during their topic searches.

The easiest way to create content is to write about something that you know – your niche market. Within those parameters you have plenty to work with. You can write about business issues: starting a business in your niche, defining your niche and promoting your business, write articles that relate to your niche and that give your readers quality content.

Keys to Driving Traffic Your Way

• Always have an engaging headline. Include the same keywords that you use on your website. Articles that include steps or processes catch a reader’s eye. Why? They usually include bulleted points or numbered steps which are easy to skim or read quickly. Reader’s like to get their information in as useful a format as possible.

• Use keywords throughout the article. For an article of 400-500 words, a particular keyword can be mentioned about six or seven times to be effective and not considered “keyword stuffing.” For maximum effect, if you have more than one keyword you want to use, write a separate article for each.

• Submit your content to popular article directories. Some people may have their favorite sites like About.com or Ezinearticles.com to find helpful information. There they can search within the site to find helpful articles. If you are there with your expertise in the form of submitted articles, they will find you. Once they have some information from you they can use and trust, the chances of them following through to your website to learn more increase.

• Use your bio box. This is one of the most helpful tools for free website promotion when writing and submitting articles to directories. Here, you have a chance to tell others what you want them to know about you and your business. And, you can include links to your website here for readers to follow.

Even with audio and video showing up more and more, written content is still royalty on the Internet. Drive traffic your way by submitting quality content to popular article directories, along with those other types of content for maximum exposure.

Need help with this or other ways of promoting your business? We can help! http://ping.fm/JxBMG


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