Monday, June 16, 2008

Schedules - Family

So here we are we have started another week and I am ready to start a new. Everyday I deal with the tough balance between family and WAH. I tend to put too much pressure on myself to start making money and so I spend too much time working and not enough time with the kids.
I have been making a concerted effort to spend more time with the boys and "schedule" my work time.
Work Schedule - I have been trying to keep to my schedule, but I am still very behind on my emails, surveys and paid to read stuff.
Family Schedule - It has always bugged me that the boys usually never got dressed before lunch/nap time, unless we had somewhere to go. Today we started something new, after breakfast we go brush our teeth and get dressed. Hopefully that will get our day started earlier and make me feel like a better mom.
We are signed up to do a music class all together this summer. That should be some great quality time for us.
Lately I have been very hard on myself, I put all these hours into my blog, website and all that goes with it. Yet I haven't made any money. Why? What am I doing wrong? How do I fix it?
I have added article submission to my list of things to do, this should help me. I guess at the end of the day what I decided is
I am not a bad mother
I am not a loser
I am not lazy
I am not stupid
I am not stuck here

I will make it online
I will find my place
I will be a better person for this
I will make money
I am dedicated
I am a great mother
I am a great wife
Just doing a little affirmation today. I have been having some hard weeks and getting FRUSTRATED.


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