Monday, June 23, 2008

New Puppy

Yesterday (Sunday) we finally found our forever dog. We have been without a dog for over 2 years now, our last dog passed right before my second son was born. We then decided to wait till the baby was a little older and less time consuming before adding to the family again. We have been looking for a dog on and off for over a year. We were dedicated to adopting a dog, instead of going through a breeder this time and everytime we found a dog we liked it would get adopted before we got a chance to see it. We went and meet a few dogs at a shelter once, but it didn't work out.
Finally last week my husband found a dog on and we put the call in, it was a little touch and go but it all worked out and we went to look at the little guy yesterday.
At first the boys were not happy and the hour drive was going to be a total loss, but after fully waking up and being around the dog for awhile they were fine and happy. So we have decided to adopt this "little" guy - he is said to be 1/2 sheppard and 1/2 great dane. He is a real cuttie and well behaved for a 3 month old? puppy.
The only sad part is he wasn't ready to come home. They weren't able to fix him yet, so hopefully he will be ready next weekend, and the foster parents are going to bring the puppy to us.
So this all brings me to thinking about all the terrible stories there has been on the news about dog food and the things that get put in it. Have you read the secret truth about dog food report?
You receive dog food recipes with the report, I will not have to pull that back out and make sure that we feed our new addition to the family right so that he will be with us for a long time.

I also found a free secret report on dog training that I will be rereading and following. You can never prepare too much.

Master Cleanse - Day 1

master cleanse book

I have officially started my Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet.
So far things are going good. Started my day with a Sea Salt Laxative and made a days worth of the Lemonade drink at once, so I don't have to keep making it all day. I have to be a little careful because I did get quite a few seeds in my drink. I have had 2 or 3 glasses of this, the glass that I am drinking out of is bigger than the "serving", but as long as I finish by the end of the day I know I'm okay. I have had the same "large" serving of water, need to get some more in.
So far everything is going fine, just a slight queasy stomach. The rest of the day went fine. Although I don't much care for the cayanne pepper, otherwise the Master Cleanse would be no problem for me. I have had a very minor headache this afternoon, but nothing unbearable.
I have to say, I am doing the 3 day ease into the Master Cleanse, so I do get to eat dinner tonight, yes that's right it is 10:43 and I still haven't had dinner, my hubby is just now on his way home from work.
All and all day one went better than expceted.


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