Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Kid in Me Contest

Here is my enter in the photo contest The Kid in Me
We were at the zoo and I got into being an ant eater.

Update on my attempt at success

So things have been crazy around our house lately and this wonderful midwest weather has brought out the worst in me sometimes (we just can't decide what season we should be in), but we push on.
I have been working hard on my secrets world wide website and trying to improve my SEO and trying to search for more and better secrets. I am trying my best to bring informational products that are useful either on a personal or business level. We are progressing along, very slowly, but still moving forward.
I am working on starting up a new blog and will let you all know when it is up and running, still trying to refine what niche of my secret passion for cookbooks I should stick with, it's so hard to choose I love them all.
So that is pretty much where I am at with the struggle to be a WAHM, I am working from home and still trying to find that balance between work and home. I am learning that the balance changes everyday.

There is a new survey in town, check out what Homemaker Barbi found here.

Restaurant Recipes at home

So many times you want some great restaurant food, but it going out to a restaurant just doesn't work for you and your family. Is it too hard to take the kids out to eat, you just can't stand waiting for a table, the kids never eat the food anyway, they don't have a menu that includes suitable kids food. Whatever your reason may be, you don't have to miss out on all those top secret restaurant recipes.
Discover the secret recipes from famous restaurants and easily cook them yourself at home.

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    waiting on those long lines at restaurants to pay for dishes you
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    following these easy step-by-step instructions.

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    kudos and praise from friends and family members when they find out you actually
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  • Stop wasting time searching for these recipes
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    work. We've been perfecting these recipes collectively with
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You will receive "America's Most Wanted Recipes Volume 1" and "America's Most Wanted Recipes Volume 2"
get your restaurant recipes here.


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