Monday, April 28, 2008

Family Time

My family (husband and children first) are the most important thing to me. Sometimes that means putting them first.

Raising your kids may be a bit difficult at times. Generally speaking it is a wonderful experience to see that your kids are growing. Also, that they are learning new things with each passing day. The love I feel as a parent keeps on growing. I will always have unconditional love for my kids. But raising the kids is not always easy. It is a very emotional relationship that exists between the parents and the kids, but it has a very non-emotional side to it. Raising your kids mean that you have to arrange the amount of money which is needed to afford a life of at least reasonable standard for your kids. It also means that you have to educate them. When it comes to learning at school, not all kids are very fond of it. Many children can be very difficult when it comes to sending them to school. People bear such things as they raise their kids.

Raising your kids means that you earn for your kids, you feed them, you give them proper education, and you give them all the love and care they need. You also have to protect them from the good and bad of society. You have to be there for them. Raising your kids is a wonderful experience and most of the parents agree to this statement. People love to have kids as the children add color to their lives. Children are a very important part of a family.

How can I earn for my kids and still be here for them, I keep going back to this topic as I believe it relates to many out there. As the kids start to get older you start to think about what you are going to do with your life. I don't want my children to see me sitting around, or doing without because I never go back into the working world. We have given up "things" with me staying home, and we have to start thinking about college and such. I have to start thinking about giving back. But what?

I have started doing surveys which has made me some money and I have gotten some useful samples to try and I actually get paid to record my shopping purchases along with getting paid to read emails from inbox dollars and send earnings.

As I continue to look for the best ways to make money online, I will keep you informed.



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