Saturday, May 10, 2008

5 Things about me

1. I love being home with my kids, but need to get back in the "money" world again.
2. I love chocolate, ice cream and cookies
3. I have way too many cookbooks and I'm not the greatest cook, I have gotten better.
4. A distant relative of my invented or brought Rump Roast to the market
5. I love taking walks to think, relax and exercise, they always clear my head.


ShannonW said...

I also love chocolate, ice cream and cookies...even better when they all three are mixed together.

I don't have many cookbooks and I am not that great of a cook BUT my family doesn't starve..even if they think they are starving LOL.

Jenna said...

Of course I have to agree I love chocolate!!! And I really wish I had MORE cookbooks. Only have a few right now so my cookbook is the internet ;)


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