Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekend Re Cap

Alyssa Avant had the great idea to do a week in recap meme on her blog every Saturday night, that is such a great idea I thought I would join along.

Here is a recap of my goings on this past week. This week has kinda gone by with a whirl.

I have been participating in Forums more (received some helpful tips on where to design a banner)
Learning how to be a better tweeter. I finally looked and saw you can respond to people's tweets with the arrow. DUH Thanks to all my twitter followers.
I have done some more work on my website, trying to get it ready for an email campaign.....
Learned a few things from some webinars that I attened. Microsoft actually has a template to help with research on niches.

Spent more time with the boys and the new puppy. It is nice being forced to be out side more. Finally took the time to check out our new sprinkler toy for the boys and my 3yr old just loves it, last year he hated them.



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